CPAC 2011: “Student Activism Panel” Speech

February 13, 2011


At CPAC 2011, I was honored to share my experience in the conservative movement. As apart of Friday’s “Student Activism Panel,” I gave a brief speech. Below is the text of my oration. Feel free to share with fellow conservatives, and let me know your thoughts. Thank you!


Surprise! Conservatives actually exist at that bastion of liberalism known as Michigan State University. You may recognize the Spartan logo from atop the head of the hefty lefty film producer, Michael Moore.

I stand before you because of my passion for common sense ideals, such as free-market economics, family values, and personal sovereignty. This past fall, I waged a spirited campaign for County Commissioner against a left-wing career politician. The duel was between a blonde-haired-blue-eyed undergraduate – yours truly – and a still-living-the-dream hippie who had first been elected way back in 1976. (That’s correct; he was on the same ballot as Jimmy Carter!) Though we lost the battle at the polls, we won the war in terms of sparking campus awareness for the conservative cause. For instance, I wound up with a front-page article in the school newspaper that reached thousands of students and professors. While liberal indoctrination, questionable treatment of conservative student organizations, and limited free-speech still occur at the public university in East Lansing, the community is arising out of a utopian nostalgia which filled the seats at Spartan Stadium not too long ago.

Traditional and social media, head-turning events, in addition to personal connections and interactions, are all fine tools that can be cultivated to the fullest extent on campus. I believe the impact that an individual, or a group, can have in challenging conventional wisdom is limitless. And don’t just take my word: each activist on this stage, and in the audience and around the country, represents the will of our generation to defend constitutional principles. We have an opportunity to reverse the brain drain, to shape our future and the future of America the exceptional. The time to act is now.

As the Great Communicator, President Ronald Reagan, once proclaimed: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” So let’s inspire authentic ‘hope’ with real ‘change’ at our respective institutions of higher learning – and fast, because with each passing second the federal deficit reaches a new astronomical high.

If you share my feelings toward Michael Moore, please follow my tweets at NKowalski – that’s spelled N-K-O-W-A-L-S-K-I on Twitter. Thank you and keep up the fight for what’s right!


Nick Kowalski is a blogger at The Other Side and can be contacted via email ( and on Twitter (@NKowalski).

CPAC 2011 – The Time to Act is Now!

February 9, 2011


The 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, is this Thursday through Saturday in our nation’s capital. Right-of-center groups and individuals will meet at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel for an action-packed weekend of enthused speeches, energizing panel discussions, and general camaraderie. At last year’s installment, over 10,000 people attended the largest annual gathering of conservatives.

For a listing of speakers and related events, follow the link:

Throughout the three-day period, C-SPAN will be airing live and recorded coverage. Their television schedule can be accessed here:

The main host of CPAC is the American Conservative Union. To find out more about the conference and their organization, please wander over to their website:

I am very excited to participate on the “Student Activist” panel! The event will last from 2:15 to 3:15 pm on Friday in the Virginia Ballroom. Check back to see the text of my speech in the near future.


Nicholas Kowalski writes for The Other Side conservative blog and can be contacted via email ( and on Twitter (@NKowalski).