So Long, Simon Care!

July 8, 2012

In the Midwest, an important electoral battle ground territory, one public university reversed its health mandate just days prior to the big decision from Washington. Lou Anna K. Simon, president of Michigan State University, announced that students will no longer have to purchase insurance as a condition of enrollment. MSU made the right move while Washington continues down uncharted territory.

The Supreme Court’s much-anticipated ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – better known as Obama Care – upheld the polarizing piece of legislation, by a judicial tally of 5-4.

On the flip side, MSU has voluntarily opted to rollback its student health care mandate.

Freshman students, as of this past spring semester, were required to show proof of health insurance or pay an annual fee of $1,505.

President Simon, who once thought that the nation’s ninth largest campus ought to concern itself with the medical insurance market, announced the policy reversal June 25. This past February, the administration heavily defended the measure in the legislature. Despite vast public outcry, the State News reports Simon instead claiming that MSU does “not have a relationship with a hospital that would permit” coverage.

A student-led initiative spearheaded by activist Nick Kowalski, chairman of MSU Campus Conservatives, got the ball rolling. He first wrote about the outrageous policy on his blog and the College Conservative. An email and call-in campaign followed, whereby folks were directed to express their grievances with the administration.

Evidently, government overreach into individuals’ private lives strikes a chord with America. The repeal of the real deal is forthcoming.