Paul Ryan is the Next Vice President

August 11, 2012

All indicators point to an end to the GOP veeptstakes this morning. According to the Associated Press, Fox News, and the official “My VP” application, Mitt Romney will select Paul Ryan – Wisconsin Congressman and Chair of the House Budget Committee – at 9:05 am Eastern.

Ryan as Romney’s running mate signals that the focus of the general election ought to be the economy. The seven-term Member of Congress from Janesville, WI, is known for his reform recommendations to the federal budget. Look into the Roadmap for America’s Future here ~

Romney is the Pro-Israel Candidate

August 11, 2012

Romney is the Pro-Israel Candidate

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released a pro-Israel advertisement, which can be seen here ~

In an email entitled Israel, our ally sent out on Monday, the campaign wrote:

“It was a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, last week.

You can’t get much closer to the ideals and convictions of the United States than you do in Israel. We’re part of the great fellowship of democracies. We speak the same language of freedom and justice and believe in the right of every person to live in peace.

The story of how America — a nation still so new to the world by the standards of this ancient region — rose up to become the dear friend of the people of Israel is among the finest and most hopeful in our nation’s history. Israel and America are in many respects reflections of one another, and I am happy America has such a great friend and ally.”

Romney is the pro-Israel candidate; the electoral decision is clear. The Jewish nation – the lone stable, democratic state stationed in a geopolitical region plagued by turmoil and uncertainty – deserves the full support of our Republic.